Tuesday, March 30, 2021

acrostic poem [EASTER]

 I made this acrostic poem but Easter themed! 

I enjoyed making it.It was very fun.

have you made an Easter themed of an acrostic poem?

Telling the time

 I was doing telling the time

I enjoyed it

have you did this?

Novel poster

 I made an novel poster

I enjoyed it

have you made an novel poster?

SK Prediction before reading

 I was doing prediction before reading I needed to get a book and not read it yet then I went on the link what it said find HERE then i clicked it then we had to put a tittle and tell what you think the story is about.

I enjoyed it because I liked it.

Have you done this? 

Monday, March 29, 2021

Solving 2 digit addition

 I was solving 2 digit addition.

I enjoyed it because I did it on my maths book.

Have you done solving 2  digit addition?

Friday, March 26, 2021

Time teller

 I did time teller

I enjoyed it

have you done time teller?

Acrostic poem

 I made an acrostic poem I had to use one of these words papakura, New zealand, Auckland, and change,

I enjoyed it because It was really fun doing it.

have you made an acrostic poem?

Parks Apples Pretty flowers Avicato Kittens Umbrella Rain Apricot

Comic strip

 I made a comic strip about what I just read.

I enjoyed it because I like making comic strips cause there fun.

Have you made a comic strip?

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

SK Time Teller Chilli 4,

 I was doing chilli 4 maths Time Teller Chilli,

I enjoyed doing it because some of them were kind of easy.

Have you done time teller chilli 4?

Friday, March 19, 2021

SK Show the time

 I was doing this math chilli task it was chilli 3, it is you have to get a arrow and point it on the right time.

I enjoyed doing it because it I now know how to make an arrow.

Do you do this to?


SK Character Study

 I was doing character study.

I enjoyed doing it because it was fun.

did you did character study?

Friday, March 12, 2021

Addition through tens

I did this math task Addition through tens,
I enjoyed it because I like having a try with kinda hard math sums.
Do you know any hard sums?

The time I went to my uncle's puppy's house

 I went to my uncles puppy's house because I really wanted to meet him.

I enjoyed being there because I like playing with him.

Does your uncle have a puppy or dog?

Using context clues

 I was doing this task Figuring out words that mean the same thing.

I enjoyed doing that task because I like inserting pictures.

Have you done this task? 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The blue yellow spotted egg

 I made this story about the blue yellow spotted egg.

I enjoyed making it because i like to insert the pictures.

What story have you made?

The babysitter and the baby's

 I made this funny cartoon story about a babysitter and the baby's.

I enjoyed making the animation but it took a little long.

What funny animation have you made?

Monday, March 1, 2021


 I  made this cockroach it has six legs and a smile it is a girl.

I enjoyed making it because I like drawing.

What bug you saw and drawed

Our art

 me and my mum made this art its very pretty

I enjoyed making it i like to get flowers.

what art have you made?