Friday, February 26, 2021

Traffic light words

i was writing some words and what they mean if you do know what it means the make it green.If you know how to say it but you don't know what it means then make it orange.If you don't know how to say it and don't know what it means too then make it red.

I enjoyed it because i like to colour the words.

What have you done?

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Using Context Clues

 I am using context clues to solve the weird words and see what it means in different.

I enjoyed it because it was a little  easy.

can you solve this?

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

My boat

 I was making a boat with Emma we made a ladder and  we have 2 chairs.

I enjoyed decorating my boat.

Have you made a boat?

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

My dream bedroom

 I made my dream bedroom it is so pretty.

i enjoyed making it i love to make stuff.

what what dream bed do you want it to look like?

My Name

 I wrote my name with some flowers and peddles and rocks for my name.

I enjoyed making it because i love picking up flowers.

what did you made your name with?

A letter to teacher

 I made a letter to my teacher.

have you wrote a letter?

All about me

 I am writing all about me so u can know me better.

I enjoyed it because i love inserting pictures.

have you wrote anything about you too?