Friday, November 27, 2020

Dogs :3 poem.

 I was making a dog poem.

I enjoyed it.

What is your favourite pet?

Kiwi animation

 I was making a kiwi animation.

I enjoyed it because I liked the part when the crying drops fall down.

What is your favourite part?

Friday, November 20, 2020


 I was making a noob animation.

i enjoyed it but some of them are bit silly.

Have you made a animation?

My dance party.

 I was making a dance party.

I enjoyed it a lot because it was so much fun.

Have you made a dance party?

Radish poem

 I was making a a poem about radish.

I enjoyed it because i liked it.

Have you ate a radish?

Friday, November 13, 2020

Caterpillar life cycle :D....

I was making a life cycle about caterpillars!

I enjoyed it because  the pictures and the writing go well :)

Have you made a life cycle?

Spies (writing)

I was about writing spies I enjoyed it but sometime the words are worng Whst writing id you do?

Friday, November 6, 2020

Animation card :)

 I am learning to make a card animation.

I enjoyed it because I liked the pictures and I liked the writing.

Have you made a card animation?

The Treasure

 I was writing a story about the treasure.

I enjoyed it because I liked the background they look cool.

What story did you write?

All in me in numbers!

I was measuring myself and see how tall I am.

I enjoyed I saw how tall I am.

How tall are you?

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Save our land poster!

 I was making a poster about saving our land.

I enjoyed it because i I liked the pictures and the writing I think I did well.

Have you made a poster?

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Concluding 2

I was doing concluding 2 and I had to see what the picture is and answer questions.

I enjoyed it because it pretty easy but not that easy.

Can you conclude something?